ROS within Alabama
ROS within Alabama


Official Contact Information:

Sir William M. Kratzenberg
Provincial Grand Secretary
Provincial Grand Lodge, USA

To be Announced
Selections & Screening Committee for Alabama

An Association of Worthy Masons & Gentlemen
An Honorary, By-Invitation Organization

We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and son of man, the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe that our faith should manifest itself in service.

The United Methodist Hymnal, #885

We hold allegiance to the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland and the Provincial Grand Lodge of the United States of America.

Sir Albert Pike’s Vision for the Provincial Grand Lodge, USA:

“The Provincial Grand Lodge has been established with a limited membership, to make impossible the cheapening of our degrees, and that the admission to it might be, as it is in England and Scotland, a high honour. We do not propose to create Chapters, for we neither desire to levy taxes, nor to govern subordinates, nor to add to the legislation or jurisprudence of Masonry.

We have desired to create an association of worthy Masons and gentlemen, of all of the States and Territories, to assemble annually, not for dry discussions or for display, but for social intercourse and festive enjoyment, to the end that each may become richer at every meeting, by the acquisition of new friendships, and the strengthened ties of old ones; wiser, by learning to set a higher estimate on human nature; truer and nobler by self-correction, and the communion of wise and proud men.

We will always have it at heart to maintain and increase the honour and dignity of Free Masonry, as the Advocate and Defender of civil and religious liberty; to elevate and ennoble it, and make it worthy of the respect of men of intellect and scholarship; and to prevent the removal of the ancient Land-marks.”

Royal Order of Scotland, Report and Historical Survey, p. 39 (Edinburgh: Published by the Grand Secretary, 1960)

Members of the Order within Alabama